[OBS] Evershot, WDorset -- Fri 03/07/09
On Fri, 03 Jul 2009 11:57:31 +0100, Hugh Newbury
Wonderful clouds going your way, Robin: mid level Cu and low level Sc (I
think!). Still no rain here and maybe none to come today. Temp now
19.9C, Dp15.4C, sunny between the Cu.
Hi-yes I did notice but was simply screwed down by work issues. Also
increasingly angry that I could not water the garden so am determined
to arise at 0500 and get to work in the harden rather than 0530 at
work as was the case this morning.. I have to do to Bedford tomorrow
I am hoping for something at the start of next week. besides, a good
watering now and lower temps will keep me happier whilst away. The
growth in the garden is quite stunning