extremely high silvery white 'Cirrus'
On 4 July, 20:59, "Nigel Paice" wrote:
Now visible at 1955Z between WSW and NW, these are
considerably higher than the other 'normal' Ci fibratus clouds
I can see nearby at about 30000ft. *These fine wavy clouds
look to be at least 40000ft and taking on noctilucent
characteristics, except it is far too early and too low an
altitude (and in the wrong direction) for such clouds.
There is still over an hour left before sunset.
Elevation of there strands are well above 45 degrees.
Anyone care to look outside right now and comment?
Nigel *(Romsey, Hampshire)
Yes, I noticed from here (cent S Berkshire) this evening and also
yesterday evening - and I see from Bernard Burton's obs in Wokingham
(and others in S England) there was NLC observed later yesterday
evening. I'll be checking the northern sky carefully over the next 30
minutes. I did wonder if the 'cirrus shield' effect - which from here
lasted only a few minutes in twilight sky - might be a precursor to
NLC, although I've not heard that reported previously, and the
mechanism/height differences would make this difficult to reconcile.
It certainly looked nothing like the 'ordinary' Ci spi thet was around
all evening, and was lit up well after those had darkened.
Stephen Burt
Stratfield Mortimer, Berkshire