Penzance - Still warm - why was 2008 so cool?
Although the fine spell's broken down, the rainfall's still
convectional rather than frontal, so it's been virtually dry during
daylight hours, after 1.8mm overnight. In fact the coast has done
really well for sunshine throughout the recent spell.
Reasonable amount of sunshine, and with the wind offshore feeling very
warm in sheltered spots around the harbour. Maximum 20.2C at my site.
Absolutely perfect windsurfing conditions.
2008 was very strange here, as similar synoptic conditions seemed to
give temperatures around 2C lower than in other recent years. Just how
unusual it was, can be seen by the number of days when the temperature
=20C during Summer / early Autumn (May-Sept inclusive)
2000 45
2001 67
2002 52
2003 83
2004 66
2005 80
2006 86
2007 61 (considered a 'poor' summer)
2008 17!! - easily a record low, no day reached 23C. In August the
hottest day reached just 21.6C. Even many of the better days struggled
to get near 20C.
I would be interested in any suggestion as to why temperatures were so
low in the far SW last year. OK, it was strongly zonal, but it's a
good force 5 now. The SST was low, there was a strip of abnormally low
SST to the SW of Cornwall much of the year, but that was as much a
reflection of the low air temperatures as vica versa. I don't recall a
summer quite like it. I believe 1973 (or was it 1972? - the old
icebergs year) was another year when temperatures were unusually
depressed, even in the SE, bit that seemed to change by August.
Could be some good surfing conditions Thus/Fri under that ridge, at
least I hope so. That's one thing that's lacked lately.