In January this year I was able to purchase a Solar Radiation Sensor
for my Davis VP2 station. Since then I have struggled to make some of
the calculations required for the COL Report titled "Global Solar
irradiation on a horizontal surface" ( Page 27 last month).
I can manage The Daily Mean, Max Daily and Min Daily but I dont see
how I can calculate the 1hr Maximum Value which you asked to quote a
1hr Maximum commencing on the hour ?
I am using the Weatherlink Reporter Software to produce the data . It
quotes for example 1259 w/sqm on the 21st June as the highest reading,
but on investigation with by minute by minute data on Weatherlink
itself, this lasted for only 10mins before it dropped. Are COL looking
for a 60minute high mean or just the highest figure. If its a 60mean
highest mean with my limited mathematical knowledge I cant see how to
work it out easily without trawling through 30days of data recorded at
1min intervals.
many thanks
Paul C
Brampton, Cumbria