Wettest July?
On 16 July, 12:21, "Martin Rowley"
"Ken Cook" wrote
Could this July turn out to be the wettest on my record (1960's) ?
137.2mm so far (09Z16th) and Copley has gone orange for Friday and
Saturday on the Met O warnings. These warnings are usually quite
accurate for us.
I'll let you know how things go.
... my reading from latest (and earlier) deterministic output, and
also looking at the various ensemble stuff (ex GFES) is that you are
indeed in line for some prolonged and often heavy rainfall. A way to
go yet, but at minimum an accumulated rainfall of 15-20 mm seems
highly likely, and one GFS run shows local 'spikes' of at least 30 mm
in a 6hr period (as well as the rain before and after).
How are your local rivers etc. running?
Hi, Martin,
Thanks for the info.
Our local river is the Gaunless which starts in Copley and it's a fast
riser and faller. During the torrent on 1st the EA river monitoring
gauge at the Lead Mill was zapped by the lightning so the record was
lost and no warning was sent to the lower dale. It was up to bridge
level in some parts for an hour or so.
These thunderstorms are pretty local (had another just now putting
down 4.6mm in 10min) so the three bigger rivers - Tees, Wear and Tyne
seem to be absorbing the flooded tributaries. However, a general heavy
fall such as you describe could lead to widespread flooding as there
is a lot of water running off fields and land is generally saturated.
Best wishes,