09Z weather report Marlow (Bucks) 17 July 09
MARLOW 0850Z WSWS F3 (loc 5 0815) 9999 (40KM) TS 3ST006 4CB012 7SC025
13.7 12.6 1001.5 RERA
RMK: Thunder to west at 0330Z this morning. Rain cess 0845, but still
thunder to NE. Heavy rain for
short time, with VIS less than 5000M during hour.
RMK: Showers / thunderstorms yesterday evening.
Max 09-09 23.7C
Min 09-09 13.7 C
Rain 10.00 mm
Site details: Sheltered back garden near centre of Town, 1 mile from
River Thames.
Ref N 51:34:28 W 0:46:38
Regards Richard Bailey