[OBS]Whipsnade Obsy, Beds, Fri 17 Jul 2008
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote:
0850z W F2 15km VCSH 1St010 7TCu014 16.1/14.5 1003.8
RMK: Quite a vigorous thunderstorm after ob, from 0940-1020z
1150z Calm 1200m RA RETS REFG 3St001 5St008 8AcAs080
RMK: Thunderstorm with heavy rain 0940-1020z; distant
thunderstorm 1100-1130 with mod rain continuing; St fra
dropped onto the top of the Downs 1130-1145z
Philip Eden
Whipsnade Obsy 229m Lodge 214m