"Paul Hyett" wrote in message
I recently bought Star Trek (original series) S1, and in the episode
'Tomorrow Is Yesterday' they showed a shot of the Earth without a single
cloud on it! Surely even on their 1960's budget they could have afforded
a pot of paint to draw a few white swirls? 
AFAIK, the series didn't pre-date the first weather satellites, so
surely pictures of the earth from orbit must have existed to work from.
And even if it did they would have been able to have a pretty good
stab at what earth from space looked like. They would have known
where it was likely to be clear and where cloud was likely.
I believe the Norwegian models for Atlantic depressions (1920's?)
hinted at a banded/spiral nature to them though that was long before
anybody could possibly have observed them from space.
Bolton, Lancashire.
160m asl.