SOI, Not CO2, Drives Global Temperature
Now you've shifted your ground to conceding that it's real, but that it's
some kind of natural phenomenon that you can't explain. And also, that
it's mysteriously disappeared (which you also can't explain).
And nor can the climate models that are used as the basis of the AGW scare
Big difference is that I don't claim to have an accurate computer model of
climate change which doesn't in any way match reality, and nor am I using
these clearly and demonstrably incorrect models to demand huge changes to
how the world works.
Fact is, the climate warms and cools. Not one of the climate models predicts
cooling, ever, none of them can explain the natural variability. There is no
model which even vaguely manages to "predict" the climate changes that have
occurred in the past. Given the models have repeatedly been proved wrong,
why would anybody believe they can predict the future if they cannot even
predict the past? You would have to be stupid to believe in a climate model
which is demonstrably wrong.