SOI, Not CO2, Drives Global Temperature
On Jul 25, 11:44*pm, netvegetable wrote:
Pretty amazing scam, given that it's got about 82% of scientists and
pretty much every reputable scientific organisation on the planet to pay
along with it.
And yes, it IS a pretty amazing scam! I guess you are talking about
the 82% of the scientists who have contacts or get paid by government
or big corporate money who don't want to lose their jobs... And just
which scientific organizations do you consider "reputable"? Let's
take a poll. Just how many of those organizations have actually
surveyed their membership for opinions on AGW and How many have just
stated the opinions of the leadership at the top as if it were the
opinion of all the members? Um. 0% to 100% perhaps?
Spin, spin and more spin.