"Steve Loft" wrote in message
Up here it's been a fabulous summer, and continues to be so. We've had
several barbecues already, and we've had temperatures in the low 20s C on
a number of occasions.
After the previous two summers, I was beginning to wonder if the fabled
description of the Orkney climate as "nine months of winter and three
months of bad weather" might not be a joke after all. But I guess this
summer is probably exceptional, so we're making the most of it!
Steve Loft
Sanday, Orkney. 5m ASL. http://sanday.org.uk/weather
Free weather station softwa http://sandaysoft.com/
uk.sci.weather FAQs/glossary/etc: http://weatherfaqs.org.uk/
Sounds like what some people in the S.E call a bad summer Steve! For my neck
of the woods it has been quite dry although more breezy than usual.
Temperatures mostly in the low twenties with plenty of sunny periods and a
couple of hot spells. Not that bad really and no cricket matches rained off
yet as opposed to three or four last year.
Dave, S.Essex