[OBS] Evershot, WDorset -- Sat 01/08/09
On Sun, 02 Aug 2009 21:17:24 +0100, Hugh Newbury
Martin, It occurs to me that maybe the answer might be to restrict the
outlet from the AWS to its tipping bucket. Small as it is, possibly it's
still too large to cope with a deluge. The weight of the rain in the
bowl would force the water out more quickly. Certainly my experiments
today seem to suggest this. I'll think about it for a day or two.
No I'd suggest the reverse actually. The problem with very high rain
rates AIUI is that the high flow rate causes some losses while the
buckets are in the process of tipping (and also, I suspect, increased
losses due to splashing out of the buckets etc). In addition, a
smaller hole would block more easily.