How To Defeat The AGW Lie
Cat_in_awe wrote:
BDR529 wrote:
Might give you more of a fear than a degree or two warming.
You didn't answer the question, why would I?
It must be very frustrating for you that all these ad hominem attacks
don't work.
You still haven't defeated the AGW lie, you still don't have any clue
to bring up against IR absorption by CO2 in the stratosphere, you
still don't have any word to refute the negative feedback of water
You've repeated this several times. You do know what it meansm don't
you? A negative water vapor feedback means as CO2 (or anything)
heats the atmosphere, the changes in water vapor will tend to cool
the atmosphere. This is not the kind of science a AGW-whacko like
yourself should be promoting. Fran and Roger will have to slap you
The IPCC conclusion of catastrophic warming is almost totally
dependent on an assumed (and non-demonstrable) POSITIVE water vapor
Then you'll have an unbiased cite for us, yes?