In message , Robin
Nicholson writes
New to this group - can anyone tell me what has happened to the FNMOC
(letters in the right order I hope) site that used to give me the
chance to view a series of charts up to 144hrs ahead.. a variety of
locations around the world but obviously the Atlantic was the most
After about two years of using these almost on a day by day basis, my
shortcut suddenly would not load.
I rarely looked at anything on the BBC site for, by comparison, what
the latter offer (for me) is positively basic.
Any thoughts or,indeed, alternatives are eagerly awaited!
You haven't said which link you are using ... I assume from the
description, it is this?
This question comes up from time to time, and I *think* its something to
do with the fact that it is a secure site, which you need to tell your
browser you are happy with.
I use Netscape for my Met work, and unless I check certain settings, I
get :-
" Unable to verify the identity of as a trusted site
" Your browser does not recognize the Certificate Authority " (etc. ...
a lot more after that)
What I have done is to use "Accept this certificate permanently", and
although I sometimes have to still 'accept' the site certificate, it
works ok. On IE, the procedure is different, but essentially you go
through the same hoops.
On some occasions, the site will not load at all: however, this has
always seemed to be a 'high-use' problem, as that site is much used
during the Hurricane season in NAM and particularly at the moment, with
some much activity in the region, it will sometimes fail (as will be TPC
site ... though they seem to have wound that one up this year and it
happens rarely). Leaving it for a 10-20 minute gap will usually allow
Hope that helps,