Warmth on the way next week?
On Jul 30, 8:11*am, Dawlish wrote:
I did mention this yesterday, but there are possibilities of some very
warm weather in the second part of next week, especially for the SE,
with a plume. Some very hot weather for Spain and SW France is now
likely, with an escape of hot air from north Africa. An Atlantic low
could spoil it for us by toppling the plume and forcing the heat
further east, so there's no certainties in this, but it would be a
welcome respite from this cool and wet weather if it came off.
The plume toppled to some extent and the warmest weather has ended up
to our East and is heading for Scandinavia, but enough warm air has
found it's way into the far SE corner to push temps over 28C for a
couple of days. Warmer air is just over the channel in the Pas de
Calais with 90F. It was odd that the MetO didn't highlight the
possibility, then the probability, of this warmth until several days
later. The possibility was there a week ago and there ought to have
been enough confidence in this to make it probable, 24 hours after