I didn't say anything about deceleration.
The thirty year -trends- are all -below- the predicted Low Scenario
trend of the IPCC!
Including surface (CRU and GISS).
Including SST (Hadley).
Since the monster stories of global warming are
all at the Hi Scenario and the temperature trends aren't
even reaching the predicted rate of the LOW Scenario
those paying attention are questioning the panic.
Roger Coppock wrote:
Wake up, Al! I've answered this question for you before.
On Aug 5, 6:02 pm, Al Bedo ? wrote:
Great! 1.5K/Century
Not even at the IPCC best estimate of the "Low Scenario"
To look at acceleration of a climate trend, one
needs about 5 decades to achieve statistical
significance. We'll need to wait another two
decades to collect enough satellite data. Meanwhile,
there are more than enough conventional ground
data to see that the warming is clearly accelerating.