RSS Satellite Data Clearly Show A Warming Global Climate
Peter Muehlbauer wrote:
Roger Coppock wrote:
On Aug 5, 5:28 pm, Peter Muehlbauer
Roger Coppock wrote:
RSS Satellite Data Clearly Show A Warming Global Climate
One month shows a warming global climate?
No, Peter, there are 367 months of data here.
That 30 years and 7 months.
Roger, I just know you good enough that you won't have come up with
"Clearly Show A Warming Global Climate", if data would have been less
than last month.
Anyway, you try to provide false pretences.
The average temperature of RSS LT over the whole record length
is 14.082921 °C.
This means a negligible change of 0.083 °C over 30 years.
Exactly the same applies for other records.
Here is a list:
(total record lenght, relative to 14°C base line, units in °C,
last month's data where new one is not yet available):
GISS+dsst: 13,981219 -0,0188
GISS Glb: 14,017419 0,0174
GISS NH: 14,031958 0,0320
GISS SH: 14,002905 0,0029
HadCRUT3: 13,829626 -0,1704
HadSST2: 13,823654 -0,1763
MSU LT: 14,071916 0,0719
MSU MT: 14,024588 0,0246
MSU LS: 13,866345 -0,1337
RSS LT: 14,082921 0,0829
RSS MT: 14,049308 0,0493
UAH LT: 14,067875 0,0679
"Clearly Show A Warming Global Climate", eh, awesome storyteller?
cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo