On 8 Aug, 10:59, Ken Cook wrote:
On 8 Aug, 08:08, Graham Easterling wrote: Dropped to 8.7C last night, the 6th coldest August night in the last
18 years. Gin clear skies and the gentlest of offshore breezes.
Hi, Graham,
That's low for you Graham! Higher here for a change, 9.1C in Copley
Village (grass 3.1C) after 22.5C high (21.9C / 6.9C at the Lead Mill)
Settling down to the normal rain-shadow here now with just 3.8mm rain
so far this month. Quite a relief after last month's deluges. Hay /
silage making in full swing after the long delay.
Best wishes,
Copley, Teesdale
Likewise much drier here as well Ken, we were luckily well west of all
the recent thundery rain. The Azores high is dominating our weather
now, and has certainly totally killed the front which was forecast to
bring more in the way of cloud today. The dewpoint is now rising
currently 13C, so no repeat of a single figure minimum seems likely
tonight. The air also seems inherently warmer & more stable. Cumulus
developed readily inland around 10:00am but, at least west of
Camborne, has since largely dissipated.
I find very useful for
seeing how much cloud there really is on approaching weak frontal
systems, as the MetO graphics tend to overstate it.