Is the Climate Science Debate Over? No, It's Just Getting Very,Very Interesting (with welcome news for mankind)
Brian Oblivion wrote:
Unumnunum wrote:
Haven't we been told many times that the scientific press rejects all
attempts to publish that aren't in step with AGW claims? I guess this
report puts that to rest.
It's been confirmed by policy makers of the Heartland Institute that
science is a big socialist conspiracy dedicated to undermining
Conservative ideology and common sense. They're out to get us, I
say. And they're everywhere. As I see it, science is just a bunch
of leftist hooey that's always telling us things we don't want to hear.
No I'm sorry, this comprehensive report from an energy blog has
confirmed that "the scientific literature allows, and even favors,
reasonable alternative assessments to those presented by the IPCC".
When I saw those words I believed them because it was in writing,
and from a totally authoritative source.