Repeat performance ...
On 15 Aug, 15:07, Tudor Hughes wrote:
On Aug 15, 12:52*pm, Graham P Davis wrote:
Will Hand wrote:
Are the British Isles getting cloudier I wonder?
This would be consistent with GW and increasing specific humidity due to
warmer oceans.
Could also be explained by the cold pool to the west. A similar pattern in
july 71(?) led to an odd combination of cold, cyclonic, dry and dull
weather. As I recall, UK was covered with Sc most of the month.
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. *E-mail: newsman not newsboy
"I wear the cheese. It does not wear me."
* * * * *I'm pretty certain that was 1972 which I remember as a
strange cool dry and cloudy summer.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.
Yes, I think it was '72, wasn't that the year of the icebergs? I
remember June was particularly cool, with the temperature struggling
to exceed 15C.
I think recent 'cold pool' is simply down to the relatively stormy
conditions in mid Atlantic during late July in particular. It seems to
be shrinking now. The SST of west Cornwall is close to 18C, marginally
above normal, and the temperature at the buoys off the north Cornwall
coast are around 2C higher than at the same time last year. (Which
isn't saying much). .