Summer 09 in D&G
With the kids back at school this week it's an opportune time to look
back over the summer (which in these parts tends to be mid May to mid
And it has to be said that all in all it's been pretty good, at least
according to the MetO monthly summaries for the west of Scotland.
Each of the months has recorded above average temperatures and
sunshine, though only June had below average rainfall. The only real
extremes were the first few days of July when, according to the local
media, they were within a couple of degrees of breaking their all time
maximum temperature record at Eskdalemuir.
The warm rainfall has produced bumper crops, with the local tea
plantation having the best results since planting three years ago.
For various reasons there's also been a huge influx of visitors, with
accommodation hard to find at times. Those that made the journey seem
well impressed, with the local fauna, both land and sea, performing
One of my best memories will be last weeks meteor display; Local
campsite set up large BBQ for campers and local villagers. Virtually
clear skys allowed a wonderful display and, whilst it couldn't compare
to a fireworks show, the oohhs and aahhs of the assembled hundreds
showed how well nature was being appreciated.
So whilst some area will ridicule the 'BBQ Summer', it was certainly
the case in these parts.
Castle Douglas