Hard talk and discraceful hyperbole
On Aug 19, 9:05*pm, Alastair wrote:
On Aug 19, 7:41*pm, "Nick Gardner"
Alastair wrote:
Why, because Greenpeace forgot to add the word "sea" in their press
release that said Arctic ice may be gone by 2030? *BBC reporter
Stephen Sackur should have known that instead of making a big issue
out of it, but then that's entertainment!
Yes, Greenpeace meant that the Arctic Sea Ice could be gone by 2030, not the
Greenland Ice Sheet.
If you watch the interview then that becomes obvious.
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amslhttp://www.ottervalley.co.uk
Here is the section from the press release.
Ice free Arctic
Bad news is coming from other sources as well. A recent NASA study has
shown that the ice cap is not only getting smaller, it’s getting
thinner and younger. Sea ice has dramatically thinned between 2004 and
2008. Old ice (over 2 years old) takes longer to melt, and is also
much harder to replace. As permanent ice decreases, we are looking at
ice-free summers in the Arctic as early as 2030.
The release is talking about sea ice. *The quote has been
(deliberately) taken out of context, and the Greenpeace boss agreed
that the Greenland ice would not disappear by 2030 which was correct
but ... see the release itself:
Urgent action needed as Arctic ice meltshttp://www.greenpeace.org/international/news/urgent-action-needed-as-...
Cheers, Alastair.
.the quote read out onthe BBC states
So; why exactly is this "disgraceful hyperbole", Lawrence? Perhaps the
only "disgraceful hyperbole" is your own? You could have at least
bothered to watch the video before quoting from the, hopelessly
biased, blog.