A cool day with a few short-lived, light showers and some sunshine.
A max of only 17.9°C makes this the lowest day max since the 4th (17.3°C).
The overnight low was 11.7°C making it the coldest night since the 14th
(11.2°C) and has ended the run of warm nights.
Just 0.5 mm of rain today bringing August's total to date of 33.5 mm.
Sunshine has been lacking this month, whilst unlikely to be duller than last
year, it is still going to poor one. Sunshine now stands at only 102 hours.
The loss of the humidity is making it feel quite chilly this evening.
The Beautiful Days Festival at Escot is going on as I write and despite it
not being that good weather-wise, it is still hell of an improvement on last
year (quagmire), the year before that (very muddy), and the year before that
(muddy). In fact, this year it seems to be relatively mud free for once.
(19:30), 16.4°C, RH 70%, DP 10.9°C, 1021 hPa (R), Wind 6 mph WSW.
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl