"Alastair" wrote ...
I have been watching this talk by James Hansen, a NASA director.
He stopped campaigning about global warming in the late 1980s
he was such a poor public speaker, but now feels he must do it again
so he can face his grandchildren with a clear conscience. Here's a
chance to see why he gave up, and why he took it up again!
.... thanks for that link, Alastair: have just got around to watching
it. Had to spread out over a couple of days. I can see why some have
commented on Dr. Hansen's public speaking ability, and it is useful to
be able to stop/rewind to get the full impact of what he was
Not a great deal new to anyone who's followed the debate over the
years, though I wasn't aware of the gravity perturbation sensing of
the Greenland ice sheet - that was fascinating. A short-length data
set atm of course, but one to watch.
The tales of 'interception' of reports/releases from NASA via the
White House was also of interest - not surprising I'm afraid and I
suspect it goes on this side of the Atlantic too.
Martin Rowley
West Moors, East Dorset (UK): 17m (56ft) amsl
Lat: 50.82N Long: 01.88W
NGR: SU 082 023