"Tudor Hughes" wrote in message
On Aug 23, 10:03 am, "Will Hand" wrote:
"sutartsorric" wrote in message
I always thought the centre of the Universe was located at NE1
4ST. Oh well.
I agree with the rest of your posting and that there'll be a lot of
widespread heavy rain though it's difficult to see us getting much
down here if the forecast track is right.
I was listening to John Eagleton's (Irish Met Office) week ahead forecast on
TV this morning; John is a very respected forecasters in my opinion. John
went on to say that hurricane Bill, as a weakening and extratropical
feature, was on the way.
However, while a one in twenty year significant event could happen, he
thought this unlikely and further added that he thought it wouldn't bring
all that much more rain than we were having now. Most rain likely to fall in
the West and North. There was the risk that the feature might re-intensify
as it got closer to out shores like some systems before but he seemed to
think this wouldn't happen on this occasion.
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