On Aug 22, 5:22*pm, "Martin Rowley"
"Alastair" wrote ...
I have been watching this talk by James Hansen, a NASA director.
He stopped campaigning about global warming in the late 1980s
he was such a poor public speaker, but now feels he must do it again
so he can face his grandchildren with a clear conscience. *Here's a
chance to see why he gave up, and why he took it up again!
... thanks for that link, Alastair: have just got around to watching
it. Had to spread out over a couple of days. I can see why some have
commented on Dr. Hansen's public speaking ability, and it is useful to
be able to stop/rewind to get the full impact of what he was
Not a great deal new to anyone who's followed the debate over the
years, though I wasn't aware of the gravity perturbation sensing of
the Greenland ice sheet - that was fascinating. A short-length data
set atm of course, but one to watch.
There is another presentation from the PAGES conference here
which deals with the melting ice sheets. The speaker is much better
but he seems more excited by the science that the consequences.
The tales of 'interception' of reports/releases from NASA via the
White House was also of interest - not surprising I'm afraid and I
suspect it goes on this side of the Atlantic too.
Well we did have a dodgey dossier, but what is coming out of the
US is much worse than that. There is another video which goes
over that:
The speaker got her first degree from Imperial College, London, and
is well respected. The first half of her talk is just a summary
of the science, but the second half is about how the science has
been distorted.
It's all a bit depressing so I won't burden this newsgroup with any
more unless prompted.
Cheers, Alastair.
Martin Rowley
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