Tesco puts faith in their own forecasters
On Aug 25, 11:30*am, Dawlish wrote:
On Aug 25, 11:20*am, Dawlish wrote:
On Aug 25, 10:57*am, sutartsorric wrote:
On Aug 25, 9:14*am, Dawlish wrote:
On Aug 25, 1:29*am, "Lawrence Jenkins" wrote:
"Dawlish" wrote in message
On Aug 24, 6:00 pm, "Lawrence Jenkins" wrote:
seaonal forecasts that are rubbish as they are driven be AGW ideology
means constant warnings of flood or heatwaves, as shown in recent
forcecasting failure.
So the talk of "killer Heat waves" none of which have manifested these last
three summers. I have know way of proving it as yet but I work for, like
yourself a public *funded * * *organisation and they are absolutely
ideollogically led. In fact local councils are no better that the robber
barons that the Norman invasion introduced. As you've *metioned poltical
leaniings Local authoriies (Robber Barons) were the next logical host for
the parasites that leapt of the back of that dying dog the TUC in the late
eighties. Hence you working for the left *ideological core that run most
robber baron councils. You seem to fit in well, your general attititude is
contempt for anyone that disagrees with you. Ukmo imo have become tainetd
from government sources and graduakll sifting for the right candidates over
the years for various positions.
By the way why did you send me an email earlier that was obviously meant for
here. Just can't get me of your mind can you.?
I wouldn't send you any emails. From experience the abusive, foul-
mouthed, threatening, mis-spelled and altogether appalling responses
would be far too much to stomach again.
You have "know" (sic) way of proving it. I know - so why keep
repeating this arrant nonsense when you can find no evidence for it
As is often the case, your reply is incoherent, but when you do repeat
your strange views in such rants as your last 2 posts (a number 3),
expect a robust reply.
oh no, another reasonable thread has been hi-jacked- Hide quoted text -
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Don't worry Stuart. It can be salvaged! I'll just ignore him from now
on in this thread if he goes off on an anti MetO/anti whatever he
doesn't like rant.
It's not just clothing and hard goods. The salad/soft fruit/bottled
water/ sales are worth millions to the large supermarkets and the need
for accuracy in forecasting a warmer spell in summer is acute at about
7-10 days. That kind of timescale allows suppliers (individual farms/
collectives now, not so much wholesalers) to get gangmasters to
organise casual workers to pick in advance, or bottling plants to gear
up, so fresh supplies can be on the shelves as the warmer weather
floods in. Getting it wrong can waste a terrific amount of food.
Getting it right can make them a lot of money.- Hide quoted text -
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Just as a rider to my last post, the Bank holiday must be giving the
supermarket food-buyers kittens. Will it be fine and warm, will it
Looking at the ECM (high pressure over the South) and gfs (possible
hot plume) output today, I'd go for buying in lots of the goods I've
mentioned above, but this whole thing could be shifted eastwards, by
next Sunday/Monday, leaving England (bulk of profits) and even the SE
(still bulk of profits) under wet and unBBQ-like skies. That will make
the new data people earn their sweetcorn!
You are very kind, and we are back on topic - hooray!
Yes, I can see the waste issue with "hot weather food" being produced
for a spell that turns out cool and wet, but I never realised that
people rushed out to buy these items when the mercury rose above a
certain level. In my case I use my freezer to store that sort of
thing, irrespective of the outside temperatures, and just use what I
need at the time.
But maybe I am just different, or sad, or too well organised?
PS: It would seem there might be a whole meteorological/psychological
can of worms to open here.
I wonder if there is a forecast of snow, for instance, do millions of
people stock up on soup?