Haytor 26/8/09 (Wet Bill)
"sutartsorric" wrote in message
On Aug 26, 7:03 pm, "Will Hand" wrote:
Continuous rain and drizzle most of the day, sometimes moderate to heavy.
few sunny intervals this afternoon, but now drizzly again this evening.
gusty last night but only a F5.
Rainfall 22.6 mm (which is not a lot for these parts from a depression).
Max. temp 17.0C
Vegetation sopping wet again and grass growing furiously :-(
Will (Haytor, Devon, 1017 feet asl)
Why do you only post on here when you consider you have more rainfall
than anyone else?
What is your problem with one-upmanship?
I tend to post when the weather is reasonably noteworthy, and living at
altitude in the SW, that is either when it rains or snows. Sometimes when it
is lovely and clear, hardly ever when it is warm, sunny or unusually dry,
I'll leave that to others. "Bill" was a high interest system and I thought
that meteorologists might be interested in what rainfall in the upland SW
was. Was it the highest total in the SW? I haven't a clue, but I doubt it.