BBC1 12:06 Forecast...
Will Hand wrote:
"Richard Dixon" wrote in message
On 29 Aug, 12:14, "Les Hemmings" wrote:
Was it Corbett? He spent much of his "formative" forecasting period in
the US - the Weather Channel often refer to sprinkles for light rain /
Not that I'm saying it's right. In any case, I thought British showers
ranged from spotty to beefy.
Why not just say a light or a heavy shower?
That's what I tell people when they ask me what it is going to do?
I suspect I've used "a sprinkle" or "a few drops" when I think showers are
unlikely to be significant. Same as using "a dusting" of snow - as long as
it's used correctly. I these these phrases paint a better picture than "a
light shower" or "intermittent light rain".
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman not newsboy
"I wear the cheese. It does not wear me."