Penzance - Nice start
Nick wrote:
n the same topic what are people's thoughts on what have caused these
Atlantic cold pools in summers 2008 and 2009 two years on the trot? Is
it something to do with easterly springs?
The cold pool last year didn't start forming until late summer. There was a
tiny cool puddle in mid-Atlantic at the end of July which spread east and
grew during August.
This year's cold pool started in December of South Greenland. During the
rest of winter and spring, it moved slowly SE but didn't start growing until
May. By the end of May, it had become a significant feature which continued
to spread east and intensify. It may have reached its peak around the end of
Judging by the eastwards movement and different times of formation of the
systems, easterly springs had nothing to do with their formation. I don't
know what generated them but perhaps there was excessive storminess at the
time of their formation or cold NW winds over the region. If I had some
monthly pressure anomalies, I might be better able to answer.
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman not newsboy
"I wear the cheese. It does not wear me."