... meanwhile, in Scotland
"Martin Rowley" wrote :
... going back to the original SYNOPs (which I should have done in the
first place!), the *real* total for the 48 hours to 0600Z this morning /
4th is ...
90.2 mm (79.6 mm in 24hr to 04/06Z, and 10.6 mm in 24hr to 03/06Z)
These major rainfall events happen regularly in northeast Scotland
in similar synoptic set-ups. The last really serious flood there was in
September 1995 when two such events occurred about 10
days apart. Kinloss collected 272mm in 11 days. The floods on
the southern flank of the Moray Firth were catastrophic. By
all accounts the historic 'Moray Flood' of August 1829 was
at least one order of magnitude greater even than 1995.