Charts can be seen at
The mean sea-level pressure chart for September looked a lot
more 'normal' than August's had done. The Icelandic Low was
there, roughly where it ought to be, but rather deeper than usual;
likewise the Azores High, but with a strong ridge of high pressure
extending across Biscay, France, and central Europe to Ukraine.
There was a second low centred off north Norway. Over the
British Isles the WSW-ly gradient was rather steeper than usual.
The main anomaly centres we
-6mbar just SW of Iceland
-6mbar over northern Finland
+5mbar near 45N 20W (i.e. between the Azores and Scilly)
Over the UK pressure anomaly ranged from -1.5 in
Shetland to +3mbar at Scilly, leaving the country under
a W to NW-ly anomalous flow.
The CET (provisional) was 14.8ºC (1.1 degC above)
E&W rainfall was 57.5mm (67%)
E&W sunshine was 163.5h (116%)
CScotT was 13.3ºC (+1.0 degC)
ScotRain was 102.6mm (109%)
ScotSun was 126.2h (115%)
NIT was 13.7ºC (+0.8 degC)
NIRain was 80.3mm (91%)
NISun was 118.7h (102%)
Philip Eden