The day time temps were cooler this September than last but the night time
temps were much warmer.
Shaun Pudwell.
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote in message
Charts can be seen at
The mean sea-level pressure chart for September looked a lot
more 'normal' than August's had done. The Icelandic Low was
there, roughly where it ought to be, but rather deeper than usual;
likewise the Azores High, but with a strong ridge of high pressure
extending across Biscay, France, and central Europe to Ukraine.
There was a second low centred off north Norway. Over the
British Isles the WSW-ly gradient was rather steeper than usual.
The main anomaly centres we
-6mbar just SW of Iceland
-6mbar over northern Finland
+5mbar near 45N 20W (i.e. between the Azores and Scilly)
Over the UK pressure anomaly ranged from -1.5 in
Shetland to +3mbar at Scilly, leaving the country under
a W to NW-ly anomalous flow.
The CET (provisional) was 14.8ºC (1.1 degC above)
E&W rainfall was 57.5mm (67%)
E&W sunshine was 163.5h (116%)
CScotT was 13.3ºC (+1.0 degC)
ScotRain was 102.6mm (109%)
ScotSun was 126.2h (115%)
NIT was 13.7ºC (+0.8 degC)
NIRain was 80.3mm (91%)
NISun was 118.7h (102%)
Philip Eden