"Jon O'Rourke" wrote in message
"Graham P Davis" wrote in message
Jon O'Rourke wrote:
As the page above explains.. patients that have singed up to the service
through their local GP receive the forecast via a call.
Might they receive the call in the hospital burns unit?
The calls are to home addresses AFAIK, Graham.
Strike a light, Jon! I think you've just missed a subtle pun, based
on a transposed 'n' and 'g' in the word 'singed' above.
Must be nearly time to watch 'Match' of the Day with Gary Clinker
and pundit, Alan Bunsen. Now, which games should I watch?
Hottenham Hotspur vs. Burnley?
Arsonal vs. Burningham City?
Blackburn Roasters vs. Griddlesborough?
Sinderland vs. Wickan Ashletic?
Lavapool vs. Emberton?
Hell City vs. Chelsear?
Stoke Sooty vs. Ashton Villa?
Molten Wanderers vs. Portsmut?
Back on topic... fine clear evening in Romsey. Temp +14.3C.