On Thu, 17 Sep 2009 14:38:09 -0700 (PDT), Stephen Burt
On 16 Sep, 17:13, Dave Ludlow
Yes Colin, it certainly is (in sunny light NE winds). It _is_ a warm
area anyway in those conditions (soil type, lack of trees, higher
ground not far to NE) but things can get a bit exaggerated. Mild area
+ wooden screen sheltered from N-NE winds and an afternoon sun trap,
they should rent out sun beds.
Is that link really of the Solent MRSC site? Please tell me you're
kidding ...
No kidding, yes it is.
I took the photograph looking NW along the coast, the low garden wall
is parallel to the road, on the other side of which is a wide grass
verge, then a 30 foot embankment down to the beach.
Here's a plan view (Google Maps), the screen should be in the middle.
There's a large and mainly grass airfield 200 yards North of there,
I've often wondered why they didn't locate it there.