The latest on GW from George Monbiot
In message , Lawrence Jenkins
"Rodney Blackall" wrote in message
.. .
I notice that several contributors have refered to "vested interests" (who
have reasons for wanting us to believe in GW and/or AGW. Now I know these
people are part of a jewish inspired capitalist-imperialist plot to beggar
African nations - but how and why?
Surely any course of action that cuts down waste of any kind is a good
thing; more efficient sources of power have been on the engineering agenda
for centuries. David Attenborough's remark that the world's population has
trebled since he started making wildlife documentaries should surely be
enough reason for grave concern and unpopular action before it's too late.
Rodney Blackall (retired meteorologist)(BSc, FRMetS)
Buckingham, ENGLAND
Using Acorn SA-RPC, OS 4.02 with ANT INS and Pluto 3.03j
That's it Rodney now you're cooking with .....erm sustainable energy
Love this anti-Obama groups "FreedomWorks" and "Americans for
Prosperity" set up and funded by David Koch - multi-millionaire, oil
Now why would he do that?