Will Hand wrote:
Hard to think that in just a few weeks time the sun will be very low
in the sky as the quick flip from summer to winter begins.
Yep, looking forward to it!
I'm not! I don't feel I've even had a summer yet. In fact, I feel I've been
robbed of 3 summers in a row.
Popping over to Portugal to visit the outlaws earlier this summer didn't
help either as the weather was crud there too.
The dreamy, summer days of 2005 & 2006 are now very distant.
Still, this spell of very late summer weather is some recompense.
A calm, warm feeling evening.
The air is polluted with the smell of lighter fuel and burnt fat (again).
(18:40), 18.2°C, RH 66%, DP 11.9°C, 1024 hPa (R), Wind calm.
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl