On 22 Sep, 13:43, "Martin Rowley"
... Just reading through/extracting data for July this year and went
to the Met Office web site to get a broad overview of the rainfall
anomaly for that month.
The page is accessed he you need to set up the month, parameter (in
this case rainfall) etc.
I don't know if I'm expecting too much, but I find that the scheme
used is far too bland. For example, much of Devon & Cornwall, southern
half of Wales and large areas of the north of England / SE Scotland
had 300% of the 1971-2000 average, with pockets 400% [ Camborne 444%
from 'Weather log']. These data are brought out well on the COL map,
but from this 'official' output nothing is shown 200%.
Martin Rowley
West Moors, East Dorset (UK): 17m (56ft) amsl
Lat: 50.82N * Long: 01.88W
NGR: SU 082 023
411% of normal in Penzance for July.
I think the trouble is they have such limited data. So on 'actual'
rainfall maps if Culdrose had say 80mm, Scilly 60mm, they used to
assume Penzance had 75mm. As they have little knowledge of actual
totals they are now making them vague.
I know I've said this before, but the official rainfall reports from
Scilly are rubbish. On the MetO site St Mary's was the wettest place
in SW England on 2 days last week when it didn't rain, a regular event
if anybody in the MetO is interested in checking back. I pointed out
in a previous thread that over June, July, August all sites that I
know of in Cornwall recorded 140-160% of the normal summer rainfall.
On St Mary's it was 299% normal, massively more than west Cornwall,
and the highest % anomaly in the UK. Or it would have been if it had
in some way resembled in reality.
I've now got some more realistic figures from St Martins (Scilly)
which was actually rather drier than mainland Cornwall (as is normally
the case) and ties in well with rainfall figures near Land's End.