Antarctic Ice
On Sep 22, 10:16*pm, "Paulus" wrote:
"Lawrence Jenkins" wrote in message
You do make me laugh Paul, why even the warmist are conceding (due to
reality sinking the models) that we are heading for a cooling period with
of course AGW to return in earnest 10-16 years down the line.
What ever next , deferred warming?
There is often talk of "feedback" mechanisms and "tipping points" in the
Global Warming Industry.
Well, they are there for sure and will show themselves in a manner not quite
by those in it's employment.
At some point soon the penny will drop. Some high priest of AGW will notice
that it is they who have their neck
in the noose and get a chill of realisation down their spine.
The tone *will* change abruptly. A tipping point *will* be reached. The big
money will go elsewhere. The whole house of cards *will* tumble at a
frightening speed. Heads will roll.
And I'll remind y'all that *I told you so*.
Tick Tock, Tick Tock.......
Lots of *wills* in there Paul!
Unfortunately for denialists like yourself, the world is likely to be
moving further towards a lower carbon economy by then, as GW is very
likely to be continuing to make its effects felt and you are unlikely
to be still posting about the end of GW Paul, having to suffer a few
deprivations along the way to enable your government to move, with
others, towards that lower carbon future!
The denialists just don't understand trends (well, actually, they deny
them!) and back the climate long-shot all the time; feeling that so
many scientists are wrong and their opinions are right. Of course
there's a chance you may be right - any sceptic like myself would
concede that - but your language of "will" happen, given the present
situation, is a long way removed from the present scientific consensus
and is thus likely to be wrong. It's the *will* word that I and many
others find grating. You really would like the world to do nothing,
just so that if the long-shot comes in you'll be able to say "I told
you so". It is much more likely that the denialists will have settled
on another scientific long-shot and will have quietly forgotten that
they campaigned to prevent the world trying to safeguard its future.
Again, I'd implore you to read and understand the stats about Arctic
and Antarctic ice (the thread title). You won't want to, I know,
because they tell a story which blows holes in your denialism.