Summer continues.
After a misty start with some patchy cloud the day turned sunny and this
lead into a warm afternoon with plenty of September sunshine. In the calm,
windless conditions the sun felt hot and shade was the best place to be.
A max today of 21.8°C after a very chilly overnight low of just 5.2°C. This
was the warmest day max since the 20th (22.2°C).
The recent run of cold nights has brought the mean min temperature down a
little but both the mean min & max are still healthily in +ve anomaly
Over 10 hours of sunshine so far today, finishing figure will be around 11
A hazy, warm evening with just a light northerly breeze..
(18:05), 18.8°C, RH 65%, DP 12.5°C, 1028 hPa (R), Wind 2 mph N.
Otter Valley, Devon
83 m amsl