Ice melt and sea level
"Rodney Blackall" wrote in message
| Another point worthy of consideration is a bye-product of a POSSIBLE shut
| down or diversion of the North Atlantic gyre which brings the N. Atlantic
| Drift to our shores. Centrifugal and vortical forces cause the sea surface
| to be slightly dish shaped around a cyclonic gyre, dome shaped over its
| counter circulation; stop them and you get changes. Whether this is a
| thing" depends on where you are and which gyres stop/move!
Do you mean "North Atlantic Gyre" or "North Atlantic Drift". There is some
talk of a possible shutdown / slowdown of the ocean circulation which is
generated by cold, salty water being left when sea ice forms. This sinks
towards the ocean floor, returning equatorwards at depth and so drawing more
water of tropical origin into the Arctic basin, passing the UK and Norway
along the way.
If the generation of the cold salty water is interfered with, the North
Atlantic Drift into the Arctic Ocean might shut down, but not the North
Atlantic Gyre. The global wind circulation will still drive water along the
equator into the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico and this will still force the
Gulf Stream to run up the east coast of North America. It will just all
turn right for France and Spain before turning south (as indeed some of it
does now), rather than some continuing roughly ahead for the Arctic.
- Yokel -
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