Bracknell, Berkshire, UK (51° 24'N, 0° 46'W, 77m AMSL) September 2009
Mean Temp (integrated): 15.1 C
Mean Temp (daily (Tx+Tn)/2): 15.3 C
Mean Max: 20.2 C
Max Max: 27.2 C on 8th
Min Max: 16.1 C on 15th
Mean Min: 10.5 C
Min Min: 5.4 C on 27th
Max Min: 17.0 C on 8th
Average Dewpoint: 10.3 C
Max Dewpoint: 17.7 C on 8th
Min Dewpoint: 4.6 C on 27th
Wind Chill Low: 5.4 C on 27th
Average Wet Bulb: 12.6 C
Rainfall: 23.8 mm (25.8 mm in 5")
Max Rainfall: 13.4 mm on 2nd
Days with Rain = 0.2 mm: 6
Days with Rain = 2.0 mm: 2 (13.4 on 2nd and 8.6 on 15th)
Days with Rain = 20.0 mm: 0
Total Snow Depth: 0.0 cm
Max Snowfall: 0.0 cm
Days with Snow Lying: 0
Mean Pressu 1022.2 hPa
Max Pressu 1038.2 hPa on 11th
Min Pressu 993.5 hPa on 3rd
Bright Sunshine: 119.3 hr
Days of Air Frost: 0
Average Wind Speed: 3.0 kt
Maximum Daily Average Windspeed: 6.6 kt on 3rd
Minimum Daily Average Windspeed: 0.3 kt on 26th
Average Daily Max Wind Gust: 16.8 kt
Max Wind Gust: 29 kt from 180 deg on 1st
Dominant Wind Direction: NNE
Average Wind Direction: 313 deg
Roy Avis
Current Bracknell Weather plus Latest Statistics at:
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