Ice melt and sea level
On 30 Sep, 09:17, Graham Easterling
Thermal expansion of the oceans is where you need to look for sea level
rise, unless the Greenland icecap or Antarctica starts to melt (unlikely for
long, long time yet).
83 m amsl
Otter Valley, Devon
It's amazing how much thermal expansion is ignored in sea level
discussions, given it's the major issue for sea level rise for many
decades to come.
Speaking of which; anyone know how the thermal expansion of the waters
off the eastern coast of north America works on a diurnal basis?
I think, that from an AGW perspective, the main thing to stop is the
crazy rate of rain forest *destruction. If they were left then an
increase in atmospheric CO2 would result in faster forest growth,
The fastest growth in Amazonia takes place in the dry season. Light,
carbon dioxide and fertiliser levels notwithstanding.
However the hydological cycle has been more or less destroyed. The
singlehanded removal of thousands of acres by a rich USAn in the
1960's went virtually unreported until he went broke having chosen the
wrong monoculture.
But you are right. It isn't industry per se at fault it is the poor
earth husbandry throughought the planet causing the damage. Starting
with our home grown banks and supermarkets might be the best place to
make a clean up.