Highest monthly mean MSL pressure at 09z for Wokingham in September in the
past 34 years is 1024.0 in 1986, (this Sept 1022.9). The highest for any
month in that period is 1031.7 in Feb 1993. The true mean from the AWS 00-24
data this Sept. is 1022.20 .
My sunshine 159.8 this Sept, Roy.
Bernard Burton
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK.
Satellite images at:
"John Hall" wrote in message
In article ,
Roy Avis writes:
Mean Pressu 1022.2 hPa
That led me to wonder what the highest mean pressure is for (a)
September and (b) any month in the UK. (I suspect that January and
February might feature strongly in the latter category, winter Highs
tending to be more intense.)
Bright Sunshine: 119.3 hr
That's considerably lower than I would have expected. It seems to have
been a very sunny month in my part of Surrey, not that far away.
Average Wind Speed: 3.0 kt
That, together with the mean pressure, shows just how anticyclonic a
month it has been.
John Hall "Do you have cornflakes in America?"
"Well, actually, they're American."
"So what brings you to Britain then if you have cornflakes already?"
Bill Bryson: "Notes from a Small Island"