[OBS]Whipsnade Obsy, Beds, Sun 4 Oct 2009
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote:
0850z WSW F2-3 32km 1Cu014 5Ac150 10.0/07.6 1012.8
RMK: Tr Cu fra, Ac strat perl, also 3Ci. The cu fra is low in
the sky towards the ESE. At ob time there was an irregular,
elongated fall-streak hole in the Ac deck with three distinct
streaks. Sadly it had degenerated before I got back for my
1150z W F2 40km 3Cu020 7Ci300 12.2/07.0 1013.1
RMK: Cu hum, also 2Sc
Philip Eden
Whipsnade Obsy 229m Lodge 214m