"Dawlish" wrote in message
Weather Consultancy Services, on the other hand, are going for 2 cold
months in December and February, by the looks of it.
I refrained from posting page 3.*))
Thanks to someone on TWO for posting it originally.
Well page 3 would be an improvement on your usual postings. Come to think of
it a long range forecast of a severe winter weather on page three that
doesn't happen; then you could really say its gone tits up.
Putting being serious to one side though: lets not be too harsh on that
innate survival instinct that throbs within our very genetic being at this
time of year. What will winter throw at us and can we survive that cruel
force of nature. Well we can nowadays thanks to capitalism and fossil fuels,
winter is now a cinch; that's why we want it to do its worse and test out
all our lovely modern gear, double glazing, loft and cavity wall insulation.
How about the four wheel-drive and generators plus those lovely useless
solar torches for power cuts..
Nope we all get excited this time every year, take today in the SE England
overcast , gloomy, dank and dismal just the winter appetizer one needs in
early autumn. All we need now is a touch of frost and some fog and we'll be
well away.