Tropical storm west of Spain/Portugal?
"Les Crossan" wrote ...
Although Grace has been swallowed up by the front the circulation of
this small TS is still very discernable on Bernard Burton's and the
Meteox satpic pages at 0900BST this morning - and it looks like this
feature is going to cross the UK.
.... indeed! At the very least, it must be enhancing the humidity
environment within its circulation - so rainfall totals are going to
be pepped up as it comes east; a possible source of cyclonicity (if
you look very closely at the last few frames, an 'eye' of sorts is
reforming): it'll need watching until it is well out of the way!
Martin Rowley
West Moors, East Dorset (UK): 17m (56ft) amsl
Lat: 50.82N Long: 01.88W
NGR: SU 082 023