Advanced Warning of Severe Weather
Ayesha wrote:
TudorHgh wrote:
Anyone else think this is poor English? Either the trees are 'still in
full leaf' or 'in full leaf at present', aren't they?
Compared with some of the grammar, spelling and punctuation seen on this
group the sentence quoted could well have been written by Dr. Johnson.
Don't get too fussy!
Q: Who lead the Pedants' Revolt?
A: Which Tyler.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.
Good joke! But isn't the point that every time we admit, ' ah well, it
could have been worse' then we have lost a little more of the language?
And I'm trying not to be tedious about it, and it certainly isn't a
matter of life or death, but the statement I quoted came from an
organisation considered by many to speak with authority. Shouldn't we
expect them to reach a good standard of English, or would you be happy
for it all to read like SMS language?
Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.