On Oct 8, 12:57*am, John. Athome wrote:
On Wed, 7 Oct 2009 23:54:02 +0100, "Lawrence Jenkins"
John. Athome wrote in message
Global warming dogma and faulty computer models led the Met Office to
forecast a 'barbecue summer' for 2009, says Christopher Booker.
(Big Long Read - Daily Telegraph 3rd October)
Booker is absolutely right. The met office threw its lot in with AGW under
Thatcher some 20 years ago and oh boy has the Labour Party latched on
Is this due to Dogma or an opportunity for 'New Taxes' ?
(A Politician is not looking for the truth so there must be a reason
for the Govt position)
The government does not have a "position" on forecasts (except
presumably to say "Make them as good as possible") whatever it may
encourage us to do to reduce CO2 emissions. They are two separate
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.