What makes Met Office long-term forecasts so wrong?
On Oct 7, 11:43*pm, John. Athome wrote:
Global warming dogma and faulty computer models led the Met Office to
forecast a 'barbecue summer' for 2009, says Christopher Booker.
(Big Long Read - Daily Telegraph 3rd October)
There is no evidence for either of those claims. Why should we
take them at all seriously, given that Christoper Booker knows very
little about meteorology and certainly has no knowledge whatever of
the models and methods used in producing seasonal forecasts, or any
other forecasts I would imagine.
The term "barbecue summer" should have been excised as a
misleadingly simplisitic description of a month or two that would be
warmer than normal.
Ignore all journalists' pieces about Global Warming. Their
ignorance of the subject is comprehensive, with the exception of one
or two we know.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey